product line

product line
1) Общая лексика: модельный ряд (АД), линейка продуктов
2) Техника: номенклатура продукции, серия изделий
3) Торговля: линия продукции
4) Вычислительная техника: семейство программных продуктов
5) Нефть: продуктопровод, трубопровод для перекачки нефтепродуктов, производственная линия
6) Банковское дело: продуктовая линейка, продуктовый ряд
7) Реклама: ассортимент, товарная серия (состав одноимённой продукции предприятия по видам, сортам и маркам), товарный ассортимент, товарный ряд
8) Деловая лексика: ассортимент изделий, поточная линия, предметно-производственная специализация
9) SAP. группа изделий
10) Производство: ассортимент изделии
11) Программирование: линия продуктов (совокупность дополняющих друг друга продуктов, выпускаемых той или иной фирмой. Следует отличать от "семейства продуктов")
12) Автоматика: номенклатура (выпускаемых) изделий, производственный участок, технологический маршрут (обработки) изделия
13) Робототехника: семейство изделий
14) Химическое оружие: продуктовая линия (продуктопровод)
15) Макаров: номенклатура выпускаемых изделий, технологический маршрут обработки изделия, ассортимент (для изготовителя)
16) Водоснабжение: фильтратная линия

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "product line" в других словарях:

  • product line — ➔ line * * * product line UK US noun [C] (also line, also product range) MARKETING, COMMERCE ► a range of similar products or services that are sold by the same company, with different features and different prices: »Apple s iPod is a very… …   Financial and business terms

  • product line — product lines N COUNT A product line is a group of related products produced by one manufacturer, for example products that are intended to be used for similar purposes or to be sold in similar types of shops. [BUSINESS] A well known UK… …   English dictionary

  • Product Line — A group of related products manufactured by a single company. For example, a cosmetic company s makeup product line might include foundation, concealer, powder, blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and lipstick products that are all closely… …   Investment dictionary

  • product line extension — UK US noun (also line extension, also category extension) MARKETING, COMMERCE ► [C or U] (also product line stretching) the addition of a product or service with different features, sizes, prices, etc., to an existing range of products: »The… …   Financial and business terms

  • product line stretching — ➔ line stretching * * * product line stretching UK US noun [U] MARKETING, COMMERCE ► PRODUCT LINE EXTENSION(Cf. ↑product line extension) …   Financial and business terms

  • product line manager — UK US noun [C] MARKETING, COMMERCE ► CATEGORY MANAGER(Cf. ↑category manager) …   Financial and business terms

  • Product line extensions — A product line extension is the use of an established product’s brand name for a new item in the same product category. ee also*brand *brand management *marketing *product management *Product lining …   Wikipedia

  • product-line filling — Increasing the product line by adding more items within the existing range of products. Compare product line stretching …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • product-line pricing — Setting the price steps between various products in a product line, based on differences in costs of manufacture between the products, competitors prices, and how customers evaluate the different features in the product line …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • product-line stretching — Increasing the product line by lengthening it beyond its current range. Compare product line filling …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • product line — noun a particular kind of product or merchandise a nice line of shoes • Syn: ↑line, ↑line of products, ↑line of merchandise, ↑business line, ↑line of business • Hypernyms: ↑merchandise, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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